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Sample GSM81019 Query DataSets for GSM81019
Status Public on Dec 01, 2005
Title Arabidopsis_leaf_hy5-1_mutant_in_UV-B_light_rep3
Sample type RNA
Source name leaf, hy5-1 mutant, UV-B light
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Characteristics leafs of plants with hy5-1 mutation exposed to 4hours of UV-B light
Biomaterial provider Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre
Treatment protocol Plants exposed to 3 micromol m-2 s-1 UV-B (UV-B 313 tubes; Q-Panel, USA) for 4 hours
Growth protocol Plants were grown in compost for 3 weeks in 25 micromol m-2 s-1 continuous white light (warm white fluorescent tubes) at 21 oC
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA was isolated from leaf tissue using the Purescript kit (Flowgen) according to the manufacturer instructions.
Label biotin
Label protocol RNA was reverse transcribed using the SuperScript II system (Invitrogen). The oligonucleotide used for priming was 5'-ggccagtgaattgtaatacgactcactatagggaggcgg-(t)24-3', as recommended by Affymetrix. dscDNA was in vitro transcribed to produce biotinylated cRNA using the Affymetrix GeneChip labelling kit.
Hybridization protocol Biotinylated cRNA was hybridised to Affymetrix Arabidopsis ATH1 GeneChips using the standard Affymetrix procedure (45oC, 60 revs min-1, 16 hrs). Washing and staining were performed in a Fluidics Station 400 (Affymetrics) using Affymetrix protocol EukGE-WS2v4; the chips were stained with Streptavidin Phycoerythrin (SAPE) followed by biotinylated antibody followed by SAPE again.
Scan protocol scanned on the Gene Array Scanner 2500 using standard Affymetrix procedures
Description Arabidopsis (Landsberg erecta) leafs of plants with hy5-1 mutation grown for 3 weeks in continuous white light and subsequently exposed to to 4hours of UV-B light
Data processing Robust Multichip Average (RMA, module Affy 1.4.32 of Bioconductor)
Submission date Oct 28, 2005
Last update date Oct 28, 2005
Contact name Gareth Jenkins
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone +44 141 330 5906
Fax +44 141 330 4447
Organization name University of Glasgow
Department Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences
Lab Plant Science Group
Street address Bower Building
City Glasgow
ZIP/Postal code G12 8QQ
Country United Kingdom
Platform ID GPL198
Series (1)
GSE3533 UV-B induced genes in wild-type Arabidopsis versus mutants uvr8-1 and hy5-1 using Affymetrix ATH1 array

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA (v.1.4.32) calculated log2(signal) values

Data table
244901_at 3.595882883
244902_at 3.22639456
244903_at 4.207885799
244904_at 3.437505135
244905_at 3.165454753
244906_at 4.373094276
244907_at 2.953198502
244908_at 2.993849997
244909_at 2.972193208
244910_s_at 2.812586967
244911_at 2.858465191
244912_at 5.359090571
244913_at 4.073466493
244914_at 2.754428421
244915_s_at 3.415521424
244916_at 3.310631534
244917_at 2.84515583
244918_at 2.812571974
244919_at 3.65213068
244920_s_at 4.489406905

Total number of rows: 22810

Table truncated, full table size 490 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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