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Sample GSM883584 Query DataSets for GSM883584
Status Public on Nov 20, 2012
Title Olive_cultivar Kalamon_90days of stress_120mM NaCl replicate 2
Sample type RNA
Source name Olive cv. Kalamon roots 90days_120mM NaCl stress
Organism Olea europaea
Characteristics cultivar: Kalamon (salt-tolerant)
tissue: root
Treatment protocol Plants were irrigated daily with 150ml of half-strength Hoagland solution containing in addition 0 (control) and 120 mM/l NaCl for 15, 45, 90 days through salt stress experiment and with half strength Hoagland solution for 15 and 45 days through post-stress period.
Growth protocol One year-old_self-rooted trees of Olea europaea L._cvs. Kalamon and Chondrolia Chalkidikis obtained from a commercial nursery and grown under identical conditions were transplanted in plastic bags containing a 1:1 mixture of perlite:sand. The young trees were irrigated daily with 150ml of half-strength Hoagland solution for one month and 35 of those of similar growth were selected for the salinity experiment while another 35 for the un-treated control. Totally 70 young trees per cultivar were used for the experiment.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Four young trees were used to collect root tissue at each point of treatment. The root tissue was washed repeatedly with deionised water_sterilized with 0.5% sodium hypochloride_immediately ground with liquid nitrogen and stored at a -80°C freezer. Total RNA was extracted according to the method of Bachem et al._1998 and concentrated using the NucleoSpin® RNA Clean-up XS kit.
Label Alexa 647
Label protocol 15 μg of intact total RNA were labeled with SuperScript™ Plus Direct cDNA Labeling System (Invitrogen) using Alexa Fluor®-labeled nucleotides.
Hybridization protocol Fluorescent samples were combined and purified using the PureLink™ PCR purification System. The only modification was the use of 20μl Low temp Hybridization buffer as elution buffer. The probe was supplemented with 3.5 μl of 5 mg/ml Salmon sperm DNA and 2 μl of yeast tRNA. The mixture was heated at 60C for 5 minutes and was kept at 45C before hybridization.
The probes were placed onto the array; the slides in a sealed hybridization cassette and submerged in a 43oC water bath for 18 hours. The slides were then placed in washing solution 1 (1X SSC_0.03% SDS) and then transferred to washing solution 2 (0.2X SSC) for 5 min with agitation followed by washing solution 3 (0.05X SSC).
Scan protocol Microarrays were scanned with an Axon microarray scanner (model GenePix 4000B).
Description KA_t_90s rep2
Data processing The scanned images were analyzed using GenePix Pro 6.0 software. Spots were flagged as 'not found', 'absent' or 'bad'. The default local background subtraction method was used. Feature data were extracted from the raw images as GenePix Results files (.gpr) and converted to TIGR MultiExperiment Viewer (.mev) files using the ExpressConverter V2.1 tool implemented in the TM4 microarray software suite. The Integrated Intensity Value (IIV) for each spot was subsequently used as input for the normalization pipeline in MIDAS V2.21 software which included the following steps (1) locally weighted scatterplot smoothing regression (LOWESS) normalization in block mode (2) in-slide replicate analysis and (3) low-intensity filtering that removes intensity values <10000. Low-quality array elements were eliminated by applying background checking for both channels with a signal/noise threshold of 2.0 and usage of flags for both channels. One bad tolerance policy parameter was set to generous.
Submission date Mar 01, 2012
Last update date Nov 20, 2012
Contact name Maria E. Manioudaki
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name MAICH
Department Horticultural Genetics and Biotechnology
Street address Makedonias 1
City Chania
ZIP/Postal code 73100
Country Greece
Platform ID GPL15288
Series (2)
GSE36196 Olive (Olea europaea) cv.Kalamon: Control vs Salt-treated
GSE36198 Comparative transcriptome analysis of two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars in response to NaCl stress

Data table header descriptions
VALUE LOWESS normalized

Data table
B3 null
B4 null
B5 null
BLANK null
C1 null
C2 null
C3 null
C4 null
se001_A03 null
se001_A06 null
se001_A09 null
se001_A11 null
se001_B02 1618687
se001_B03 null
se001_B04 null
se001_B08 null
se001_B11 358254
se001_C03 null
se001_C06 890211

Total number of rows: 1098

Table truncated, full table size 16 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM883584_KA_t_90s2.gpr.gz 161.8 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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