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Sample GSM88387 Query DataSets for GSM88387
Status Public on May 01, 2006
Title Livers from fat line chickens, pool 10, replicate 2
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Livers from fat line chickens
Organism Gallus gallus
Characteristics Livers from four fat line chickens with 4.6 % (mean) of adipose tissue content per live body weight
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA were extracted with TRIzol Reagent (Invitrogen) from 4 chickens. Poly(A)+ RNA was extracted from a pool of the 4 total RNA preparations with PolyATtract® mRNA isolation system III (Promega)
Label Cy5
Label protocol Poly(A)+ RNA (500 ng) were reverse-transcribed with amino-allyl-dUTPs (CyScribe Post-Labeling Kit, Amersham Biosciences). The amino-allyl modified cDNAs were purified on GFX columns (GFX Purification Kit, Amersham Biosciences) and further labelled by incubation with cyanine dyes (Cy3 or Cy5). Labeled cDNAs were also purified on GFX columns and mixed with hybridization buffer (5X Denhardt’s, 3.5X SSC, 0.3 % SDS, 0.5 µg/µl yeast RNA, 0.5 µg/µl poly(A) RNA and 50 % formamide)
Channel 2
Source name Livers from all lean and fat line chickens
Organism Gallus gallus
Characteristics As a reference sample, poly(A)+ RNA preparations from all lean and fat line chickens (10) were mixed in a superpool.
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol pooling of poly(A)+ RNA prepared from ten lean and fat line chicken liver total RNA pools
Label Cy3
Label protocol Poly(A)+ RNA (500 ng) were reverse-transcribed with amino-allyl-dUTPs (CyScribe Post-Labeling Kit, Amersham Biosciences). The amino-allyl modified cDNAs were purified on GFX columns (GFX Purification Kit, Amersham Biosciences) and further labelled by incubation with cyanine dyes (Cy3 or Cy5). Labeled cDNAs were also purified on GFX columns and mixed with hybridization buffer (5X Denhardt’s, 3.5X SSC, 0.3 % SDS, 0.5 µg/µl yeast RNA, 0.5 µg/µl poly(A) RNA and 50 % formamide)
Hybridization protocol Test sample labelled with Cy5 and reference sample labelled with Cy3 solutions (10 µl) were mixed and incubated 2 min at 100°C, and 30 min at 37°C before hybridization. Hybridizations were performed in hybridization chambers (Corning Life Sciences) overnight at 42°C and slides were washed in 2X SSC, 0.1 % SDS, then in 1X SSC and finally twice in 0.2X SSC.
Scan protocol Fluorescent array images were collected for both Cy3 and Cy5 with ScanArray 4000 XL (Packard Biochip Technologies) fluorescent scanner and image intensity data were extracted and analyzed with GenePix Pro analysis software.
Description Livers from fat line chickens, pool 10, replicate 2
Data processing After background correction and removal of flagged values, log base 2 expression ratios were normalized by lowess fitness using Madtools.
Submission date Dec 19, 2005
Last update date Dec 19, 2005
Contact name Christian Diot
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name INRA
Department Animal Genetics
Lab UMR Génétique Animale
Street address 65, rue de saint-Brieuc, CS 84215
City Rennes cedex
ZIP/Postal code 35042
Country France
Platform ID GPL3265
Series (1)
GSE3867 Gene expression in chicken livers from lean and fat lines

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized log2 ratio of median defined by CH1/CH2
CH1_median CH1 (F635) median fluorescence intensity
CH1_MEAN CH1 (F635) mean fluorescence intensity
CH1_SD CH1 (F635) fluorescence intensity standard deviation
CH1_BKD_Median CH1 (F635) background median fluorescence intensity
CH1_BKD_MEAN CH1 (F635) background mean fluorescence intensity
CH1_BKD_SD CH1 (F635) background fluorescence intensity standard deviation
% > CH1_BKD_+2SD % of feature pixels greater than two standard deviations over the background
CH2_median CH2 (F532) median fluorescence intensity
CH2_MEAN CH2 (F532) mean fluorescence intensity
CH2_SD CH2 (F532) fluorescence intensity standard deviation
CH2_BKD_Median CH2 (F532) background median fluorescence intensity
CH2_BKD_MEAN CH2 (F532) background mean fluorescence intensity
CH2_BKD_SD CH2 (F532) background fluorescence intensity standard deviation
% > CH2_BKD_+2SD % of feature pixels greater than two standard deviations over the background
Ratio of Medians (635/532) Unnormalized ratio of medians defined by CH1/CH2
Ratio of Means (635/532) Unnormalized ratio of means defined by CH1/CH2
AREA Number of feature pixels
BKD_AREA Number of feature background pixels
CH1_Median - CH1_BKD Channel 1 median signal
CH2_Median - CH2_BKD Channel 2 median signal
CH1_Mean - CH1_BKD Channel 1 mean signal
CH2_Mean - CH2_BKD Channel 2 mean signal

Data table
ID_REF VALUE CH1_median CH1_MEAN CH1_SD CH1_BKD_Median CH1_BKD_MEAN CH1_BKD_SD % > CH1_BKD_+2SD CH2_median CH2_MEAN CH2_SD CH2_BKD_Median CH2_BKD_MEAN CH2_BKD_SD % > CH2_BKD_+2SD Ratio of Medians (635/532) Ratio of Means (635/532) AREA BKD_AREA CH1_Median - CH1_BKD CH2_Median - CH2_BKD CH1_Mean - CH1_BKD CH2_Mean - CH2_BKD
1.1.1 null 13 366 613 0 329 585 11 22090 25339 15732 142 453 651 98 0.001 0.015 80 464 13 21948 366 25197
1.2.1 null 0 264 505 0 323 793 1 352 628 732 86 366 623 15 0.000 0.487 52 400 0 266 264 542
1.3.1 -0.02 7464 7912 3922 31 523 2052 85 7828 8087 3236 70 472 1991 90 0.958 0.983 80 550 7433 7758 7881 8017
1.4.1 -0.10 7147 7239 3114 0 326 609 97 6612 6509 2941 0 230 420 100 1.081 1.112 80 550 7147 6612 7239 6509
1.5.1 -0.12 6741 6494 3120 0 331 585 97 5844 6321 3706 0 207 424 96 1.153 1.027 80 574 6741 5844 6494 6321
1.6.1 0.01 6067 6473 3052 0 380 756 100 5562 6053 3403 0 165 402 98 1.091 1.069 80 480 6067 5562 6473 6053
1.7.1 null 5065 5872 3464 0 375 956 91 4720 5115 2502 0 209 579 95 1.073 1.148 80 574 5065 4720 5872 5115
1.8.1 0.86 2276 3322 2733 0 288 592 86 4237 4301 2875 0 157 386 84 0.537 0.772 52 400 2276 4237 3322 4301
1.9.1 -0.14 10558 11604 4958 0 484 1648 98 11993 11907 4856 0 842 4775 67 0.880 0.975 80 480 10558 11993 11604 11907
1.10.1 -0.09 12026 12342 4911 0 251 526 100 15014 14500 5087 0 146 364 100 0.801 0.851 52 366 12026 15014 12342 14500
1.11.1 0.49 2087 2529 1705 0 276 542 81 3301 3730 2356 0 149 438 93 0.632 0.678 32 230 2087 3301 2529 3730
1.12.1 null 16 368 654 0 315 545 11 0 167 418 0 204 462 9 100000.000 2.204 52 366 16 0 368 167
1.1.2 null 65535 59552 13740 78 1997 8529 95 48443 48734 14710 186 1441 7131 96 1.356 1.225 80 596 65457 48257 59474 48548
1.2.2 0.97 1736 2437 1918 3 419 667 59 3572 3807 1730 29 358 603 93 0.489 0.644 32 236 1733 3543 2434 3778
1.3.2 null 667 868 960 0 386 766 15 939 1060 993 62 371 636 34 0.761 0.870 32 236 667 877 868 998
1.4.2 null 54887 46989 18667 50 417 674 100 65535 53126 17816 20 329 516 100 0.837 0.884 80 560 54837 65515 46939 53106
1.5.2 null 771 927 774 0 296 548 37 962 1144 875 0 176 347 65 0.801 0.810 32 236 771 962 927 1144
1.6.2 null 1504 1650 1119 55 464 757 50 1235 1286 650 0 325 491 83 1.173 1.240 12 104 1449 1235 1595 1286
1.7.2 0.04 3386 3432 1824 0 269 528 95 4115 4352 2260 0 146 415 96 0.823 0.789 80 560 3386 4115 3432 4352
1.8.2 null 655 970 1102 0 285 514 37 597 899 886 0 163 411 43 1.097 1.079 32 176 655 597 970 899

Total number of rows: 1728

Table truncated, full table size 176 Kbytes.

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