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Sample GSM913263 Query DataSets for GSM913263
Status Public on May 01, 2014
Title Clinical Breast Cancer Specimen from patient developing distant metastasis 650_dev.meta
Sample type RNA
Source name Clinical Breast Cancer Specimen
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics distant metastasis (0-none): 1
dfs (months): 53
age (y): 51
tumor size: 2
histotype: CLI
esr1 status (0-negative): 1
erbb2 status (0-negative): 0
tissue: breast cancer specimen
Growth protocol Tissue samples collected at time of surgery were stored at -80°C until RNA extraction
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Tissue was pulverized using a Mikrodismembrator (Braun Biotech International , Germany). Total RNA was extracted with the Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) according to manufacture instructions and an additional DNase digestion was performed using the RNeasy kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA).
Label biotin
Label protocol 800 ng of total RNA were reverse transcribed, labeled with biotin and amplified overnight using the Illumina RNA TotalPrep Amplification kit (Ambion, Austin, TX) according to manufacturer’s protocol
Hybridization protocol One μg of the biotinylated cRNA sample was mixed with the Hyb E1 hybridization buffer containing 37.5% (w/w) formamide and then hybridized at 58 °C overnight to the HumanRef-6_v3 (Illumina, Inc, San Diego, CA)
Scan protocol scanned with Illumina BeadArray Reader
Description Clinical Breast Cancer Specimen from patient developing distant metastasis
Data processing Microarray raw data where generated using the Illumina BeadStudio 3.8 software and processed using the lumi package of Bioconductor. After quality control, the Robust Spline Normalization was applied.
Submission date Apr 11, 2012
Last update date May 01, 2014
Contact name Maurizio Callari
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
Street address Via Amadeo, 42
City Milan
ZIP/Postal code 20133
Country Italy
Platform ID GPL6884
Series (1)
GSE37181 Subtype-dependent prognostic relevance of an interferon-induced pathway metagene in human node negative breast cancer

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Log2 tranformation; Robust Spline Normalization
Detection Pval

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Detection Pval
ILMN_1825594 7.081712963 0.42424
ILMN_1810803 7.519887715 0.0751
ILMN_1722532 9.70096484 0
ILMN_1884413 6.97731627 0.59552
ILMN_1906034 7.089800297 0.41634
ILMN_1861479 6.528826625 0.99605
ILMN_1708805 7.733939635 0.05007
ILMN_1874224 7.069599539 0.4361
ILMN_1672526 7.175455936 0.32279
ILMN_2185604 7.267852941 0.20817
ILMN_1785107 9.507023741 0.00132
ILMN_1810805 11.08472986 0
ILMN_1689711 6.831860614 0.84058
ILMN_1782551 10.40047904 0
ILMN_1820586 7.670855642 0.05797
ILMN_1838256 7.027354227 0.49012
ILMN_1901322 7.124283897 0.3834
ILMN_1715540 8.289977796 0.01318
ILMN_2371280 11.32028266 0
ILMN_1891455 9.089995409 0.00395

Total number of rows: 48803

Table truncated, full table size 1501 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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