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Sample GSM925689 Query DataSets for GSM925689
Status Public on Dec 04, 2012
Title HTEC-d21_NT-29
Sample type RNA
Source name primary culture airway epithelial cells d21, no IL-13 rep 1
Organism Homo sapiens
Characteristics day: 21
agent: No Treatment
cell type: primary culture airway epithelial cell, tracheal
Treatment protocol IL-13 (50 ng/ml) was added starting day -2 (two days before ALI), and twice weekly for 21 days thereafter.
Growth protocol Human tracheal epithelial cells (hTECs) were isolated and placed into culture in growth factor enriched medium as described previously. For the present experiments, cells were seeded at 2 x 105 cells per well (24-well Transwell, Corning, Corning, NY) and cultured under submerged conditions until confluence. Cultures were then maintained in DMEM-Ham’s F12 medium with 2% NuSerum (BD, Franklin, NJ), Primocin (100 µg/ml, InvivoGen, San Diego, CA), and retinoic acid (1 x 10–8 M, Sigma), and were switched to air-liquid interface conditions for 3 weeks. Media was changed twice weekly, cells were fed from the bottom reservoir.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was isolated from hTECs using the Qiagen RNEasy kit (Qiagen)
Label biotin
Label protocol RNA was amplified and biotinylated using the Ambion Illumina TotalPrep Kit.
Hybridization protocol Hybridization was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions at the Washington University School of Medicine Genome Sequencing Center Microarray Core Facility.
Scan protocol Scanning, including background correction, was performed per manufacturer's instructions using BeadStudio 3.0 software (Illumina) at the Washington University School of Medicine Genome Sequencing Center Microarray Core Facility.
Description d21 NT rep 1
Data processing Microarray normalization and statistical analysis was performed using packages from the Bioconductor project executed in the R programming environment. Raw image data were imported into Bioconductor using readIllumina as implemented in the beadarray package with background subtraction and image sharpening. The resulting bead-level data was then normalized for intensity at the bead level using the HULK algorithm, to adjust for local spatial effects (i.e. cross-array gradients). The data were then summarized for each bead type. A model-based variance stabilizing transformation was applied to the bead-type summaries, followed by quantile normalization across the experiment using functions in the beadarray package. Bead-types not detected on at least 1 array (detection p<0.01) were then filtered to improve power to detect differentially expressed genes. We assessed differential expression after 21 days of IL-13 treatment (IL-13 versus control) using linear models and empirical Bayes moderated F statistics as implemented in the LIMMA package. We considered differences in gene expression significant if P values were <0.05 after adjustment for multiple testing, so that false discovery rate was <5%. Bead-types were annotated to genes using a combination of the manufacturer’s annotation, transcript level annotations obtained from AceView, and annotations from the University of Cambridge Computational Biology Group in order to optimize interpretation of the gene expression data.
Submission date May 01, 2012
Last update date Dec 04, 2012
Contact name Anand Champak Patel
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name Washington University School of Medicine
Department Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine
Lab Patel
Street address Campus Box 8116, 660 S. Euclid Ave.
City St. Louis
State/province MO
ZIP/Postal code 63110
Country USA
Platform ID GPL6947
Series (1)
GSE37693 Gene Expression Effects of IL-13 on Primary Human Airway Epithelial Cells

Data table header descriptions
VALUE quantile normalized summarized beadtype signal, log2 scale, post-variance stabilizing transform
Detection Pval

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Detection Pval
ILMN_1343291 14.62215153 0
ILMN_1343295 12.60356382 0
ILMN_1651209 5.916708004 0
ILMN_1651228 11.86484111 0
ILMN_1651229 7.397709908 0
ILMN_1651232 6.00447755 0
ILMN_1651237 6.598551403 0
ILMN_1651253 5.578784646 0.530054645
ILMN_1651254 8.932005529 0
ILMN_1651262 12.1625835 0
ILMN_1651268 5.909951996 0
ILMN_1651278 7.120578059 0
ILMN_1651282 10.42597438 0
ILMN_1651285 5.862065 0.00273224
ILMN_1651286 5.733759928 0.12568306
ILMN_1651288 5.744701378 0.117486339
ILMN_1651296 6.002621337 0
ILMN_1651303 5.99984213 0
ILMN_1651310 5.795080288 0.053278689
ILMN_1651315 9.940001056 0

Total number of rows: 23629

Table truncated, full table size 680 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided
Processed data included within Sample table

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