
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd02208: cupin_RmlC-like 
RmlC-like cupin superfamily
This superfamily contains proteins similar to the RmlC (dTDP (deoxythymidine diphosphates)-4-dehydrorhamnose 3,5-epimerase)-like cupins. RmlC is a dTDP-sugar isomerase involved in the synthesis of L-rhamnose, a saccharide required for the virulence of some pathogenic bacteria. Cupins are a functionally diverse superfamily originally discovered based on the highly conserved motif found in germin and germin-like proteins. This conserved motif forms a beta-barrel fold found in all of the cupins, giving rise to the name cupin ('cupa' is the Latin term for small barrel). The active site of members of this superfamily is generally located at the center of a conserved barrel and usually includes a metal ion. The different functional classes in this superfamily include single domain bacterial isomerases and epimerases involved in the modification of cell wall carbohydrates, two domain bicupins such as the desiccation-tolerant seed storage globulins, and multidomain nuclear transcription factors involved in legume root nodulation.
PSSM-Id: 380338
Aligned: 168 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 29.7582
Created: 6-Mar-2002
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
metal binding
Conserved site includes 4 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: metal binding site [ion binding site], 4 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:[QH] H E HClick to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Comment:The four-coordinate metallocenter includes three histidines and one glutamate.
  • Structure:1FI2: Hordeum vulgare oxalate oxidase binds Mn; contacts at 4.0A
  • Citation:PMID 9804177
  • Structure:1PMI: Candida albicans phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) binds Zn2+.
  • Citation:PMID 8612079

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                   # #              #                                           #    
1FI2_A     74 MNRVDFApggtnpPHIHpr----------aTEIGMVMkg-eLLVGilgsldsgnklySRVVragETFVIPr-gLMHFQFN 141 Hordeum vulgare
1EY2_A    159 IHIFLCNtsxenrCFYNsd----------gDFLIVPQkg-nLLIYte--------fgKXLVqpnEICVIQr-gXRFSIDV 218 human
1VJ2_B     50 MRLFTVEpgglidRHSHp-----------wEHEIFVLkg-kLTVLke--------qgEETVeegFYIFVEp-nEIHGFRN 108 Thermotoga maritima
1YWK_A     52 FGGVTPTte--elEIILdkelgvdyflerrELGVINIgg-pGFIEid--------gaKETMkkqDGYYIGketKHVRFSS 120 Enterococcus faecalis
3ES1_A     81 IRVVDXLpgkespXHRTn-----------sIDYGIVLeg-eIELEldd-------gaKRTVrqgGIIVQRg--TNHLWRN 139 Novosphingobium ar...
3HT1_A     41 LTEFEVSpngstpPHFHe-----------wEHEIYVLeg-sMGLVlpd------qgrTEEVgpgEAIFIPr-gEPHGFVT 101 Streptomyces resis...
5BXX_A     37 FHVTTLFags-elRMHYqn----------hLEAVLVLkg-tGTIEdla------tgeVHALrpgVMYALDd-hDRHIVRP 97  Sphingopyxis alask...
5FCC_A     49 LSIADIGes--ggFSSFag----------yQRVITVIqgagMVLTvdg-------eeQRGLlplQPFAFRg-dSQVSCRL 108 Pseudomonas fluore...
2OYZ_A     25 VSVGVXLpg--eyTFGTq-----------aPERXTVVkg-aLVVKrvg------eadWTTYssgESFDVEg-nSSFELQV 83  Vibrio parahaemoly...
Q51872     12 TLDKSKTy----hHHEY-------------PQIILGLmg-kSELSie--------dsSVCLspgMGYRINa-nVEHSFSG 64  Photobacterium lei...
Feature 1                  
1FI2_A    142 vgk-teAYMVVSF 153 Hordeum vulgare
1EY2_A    219 fe---eTRGYILE 228 human
1VJ2_B    109 dtd-seVEFLCLI 120 Thermotoga maritima
1YWK_A    121 enpdnpAKFYISC 133 Enterococcus faecalis
3ES1_A    140 ttd-kpCRIAFIL 151 Novosphingobium aromaticivorans DSM 12444
3HT1_A    102 gpg-qtCRFLVVA 113 Streptomyces resistomycificus
5BXX_A     98 et---dILTACVF 107 Sphingopyxis alaskensis RB2256
5FCC_A    109 it--gpIRDFNLI 119 Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25
2OYZ_A     84 kd---aTAYLCEY 93  Vibrio parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633
Q51872     65 tsn-nqVLVMNLP 76  Photobacterium leiognathi

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