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Platform GPL6082 Query DataSets for GPL6082
Status Public on May 20, 2010
Title CLI Bovine innnate immune array
Technology type spotted DNA/cDNA
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Bos taurus
Manufacturer CSIRO Livestock Industries
Manufacture protocol Microarray printing was performed at the Machines for Genes Laboratory, CSIRO Livestock Industries (Geelong, Vic). Of the 20 384-well source plates, 19 were printed in duplicate side-by-side, whilst the 384-well control plate was printed in duplicate at both the top and bottom of each printed block, giving a total of 16,128 printed elements. Elements were spotted on Corning UltraGAPS slides using a BioRobotics MicroGrid II TAS using MicroSpot 2500 pins. These pins produce a spot size of approximately 100 μm diameter with a pitch of 220 μm between spots. Each amplified DNA fragment was printed in duplicate adjacent to each other. The pin configuration was arranged in 4 columns and 12 rows yielding 48 subarrays of 19 × 19 spots. Elements were printed in a 150 mM sodium phosphate printing buffer (pH 8.5). The spots were then fixed to the slide by baking for two hours at 80°C. To ensure DNA spotting was uniform across the slides, samples were taken from each batch of microarrays and probed with Panomer™ 9 random oligodeoxynucleotide conjugated with Alexa Fluor® 532 (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen). Reproducibility was visually assessed between spot duplicates and between slides within a printing batch.
Contributor(s) Donaldson L, Vuocolo T, Gray C, Strandberg Y, Reverter A, McWilliam S, Wang Y, Byrne K, Tellam R
Submission date Nov 01, 2007
Last update date May 20, 2010
Contact name Ylva Strandberg-Lutzow
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name CSIRO
Department Livestock Industries
Street address 306 Carmody Road
City St Lucia
State/province Queensland
ZIP/Postal code 4067
Country Australia
Samples (36) GSM243334, GSM243335, GSM243336, GSM243337, GSM243338, GSM243339 
Series (4)
GSE9628 Response of bovine mammary tissue to experimental Staphylococcus aureus infection experiment 1.
GSE9680 Response of bovine mammary tissue to experimental Staphylococcus aureus infection experiment 2.
GSE9681 Response of bovine mammary tissue to experimental Staphylococcus aureus infection experiment 3.

Data table header descriptions
SPOT_ID Internal identifier

Data table
1 Name
2 18S_rRNA
3 18S_rRNA
4 18S_rRNA
5 18S_rRNA
6 18S_rRNA
7 18S_rRNA
8 18S_rRNA
9 18S_rRNA
10 18S_rRNA
11 18S_rRNA
12 18S_rRNA
13 18S_rRNA
14 18S_rRNA
15 18S_rRNA
16 18S_rRNA
17 18S_rRNA
18 Alpha-1-tubulin
19 Alpha-1-tubulin
20 Alpha-1-tubulin

Total number of rows: 17328

Table truncated, full table size 303 Kbytes.

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Supplementary data files not provided

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