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Sample GSM244668 Query DataSets for GSM244668
Status Public on May 20, 2010
Title 1592_1x10^4_vs_1592_1x10^5_rep2
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name Right Fore quarter infused with 1x10^4 Staphylococcus aureus mammary tissue
Organism Bos taurus
Characteristics Dose: 1x10^4
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Approximately 3 g of frozen mammary tissue was placed in liquid nitrogen and pulverised with a hammer followed by the addition of 25 ml of Trizol reagent (Invitrogen). The tissue was homogenised using an Ultraturrex probe (IKA, 3 cycles of 2 seconds). RNA was then extracted from three equivalent samples from each udder quarter according to the Trizol manufacturer.s protocol (Invitrogen) and 1 mg aliquots were stored as pellets under ethanol at -80.C. RNA was further purified using an RNeasy Midi Kit (Qiagen) and each sample was treated twice with DNase I on column (Qiagen DNase I) and after elution (Ambion DNase I) to eliminate any contaminating genomic DNA.
Label Cy5
Label protocol cDNA prepared from each sample using 20 ug of total RNA per dye channel per microarray, was reverse transcribed with Superscript III (Invitrogen) in the presence of 2-aminoallyl-dUTP (Sigma Chemical Co.) using both oligo-dT18 (2 .g) and pd(N)6 random hexamer (1 .g) (Amersham Bioscience, UK) to prime cDNA synthesis. First strand cDNAs were purified and subsequently labelled using n-hydroxysuccinate (NHS)-derivatized Cy3 and Cy5 dyes (Amersham Biosciences, UK)
Channel 2
Source name Left Hind quarter infused with 1x10^5 Staphylococcus aureus mammary tissue
Organism Bos taurus
Characteristics Dose: 1x10^5
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Approximately 3 g of frozen mammary tissue was placed in liquid nitrogen and pulverised with a hammer followed by the addition of 25 ml of Trizol reagent (Invitrogen). The tissue was homogenised using an Ultraturrex probe (IKA, 3 cycles of 2 seconds). RNA was then extracted from three equivalent samples from each udder quarter according to the Trizol manufacturer.s protocol (Invitrogen) and 1 mg aliquots were stored as pellets under ethanol at -80.C. RNA was further purified using an RNeasy Midi Kit (Qiagen) and each sample was treated twice with DNase I on column (Qiagen DNase I) and after elution (Ambion DNase I) to eliminate any contaminating genomic DNA.
Label Cy3
Label protocol cDNA prepared from each sample using 20 ug of total RNA per dye channel per microarray, was reverse transcribed with Superscript III (Invitrogen) in the presence of 2-aminoallyl-dUTP (Sigma Chemical Co.) using both oligo-dT18 (2 .g) and pd(N)6 random hexamer (1 .g) (Amersham Bioscience, UK) to prime cDNA synthesis. First strand cDNAs were purified and subsequently labelled using n-hydroxysuccinate (NHS)-derivatized Cy3 and Cy5 dyes (Amersham Biosciences, UK)
Hybridization protocol Hybridisation was performed at 44°C in a 50% formamide hybridisation buffer for 16 h. Following hybridisation, three washes were applied to the arrays: 2 x SSC, 0.1% SDS for 15 min, pre-warmed to 44°C; 0.2 x SSC for 15 min; and 0.06 x SSC for 5 min. Slides were washed once in high purity water to remove any remaining salt and dried in a centrifuge at 40xg for 5 min.
Scan protocol Dried slides were scanned immediately using the GenePix. 4000 array scanner. GenePix.Pro software version 5.0 (Axon Instruments Inc.) was then used to process array images, align spots, integrate robot-spotting files with the microarray image, and export reports of spot intensity data. Slides were visually examined and spots with irregular morphology were excluded from data analysis
Description Bovine mammary tissue
Data processing After background correction and removal of flagged values, log base 2 expression ratios were mean centered and linear transformed to obtain the log and linear values given in the data table
Submission date Nov 26, 2007
Last update date Aug 14, 2011
Contact name Ylva Strandberg-Lutzow
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name CSIRO
Department Livestock Industries
Street address 306 Carmody Road
City St Lucia
State/province Queensland
ZIP/Postal code 4067
Country Australia
Platform ID GPL6082
Series (2)
GSE9680 Response of bovine mammary tissue to experimental Staphylococcus aureus infection experiment 2.
GSE9685 Response of bovine mammary tissue to experimental Staphylococcus aureus infection

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Base-2 logarithm of channel 1 corrected median signal divided by channel 2 corrected median signal with flagged values removed
F635 Median Channel 1 median intensity
F635 Mean Channel 1 mean intensity
F635 SD Channel 1 standard deviation
B635 Median Channel 1 median background intensity
B635 Mean Channel 1 mean background intensity
B635 SD Channel 1 background standard deviation
F532 Median Channel 2 median intensity
F532 Mean Channel 2 mean intensity
F532 SD Channel 2 standard deviation
B532 Median Channel 2 median background intensity
B532 Mean Channel 2 mean background intensity
B532 SD Channel 2 background standard deviation
Ratio of Medians Unnormalized, untransformed ratio of medians
Ratio of Means Unnormalized, untransformed ratio of means
Median of Ratios Unnormalized, untransformed median of ratios
Mean of Ratios Unnormalized, untransformed mean of ratios
Flags 0 denotes satisfactory features, while <0 denotes features that did not meet criteria
UNF_VALUE Base-2 logarithm of channel 1 corrected median signal divided by channel 2 corrected median signal

Data table
ID_REF VALUE F635 Median F635 Mean F635 SD B635 Median B635 Mean B635 SD F532 Median F532 Mean F532 SD B532 Median B532 Mean B532 SD Ratio of Medians Ratio of Means Median of Ratios Mean of Ratios Flags UNF_VALUE
1 1.025 18639 18648 5400 220 246 152 9404 9533 2608 352 365 120 2.035 2.007 1.955 1.999 0 1.025
2 1.008 14894 14567 7969 246 271 161 7666 7523 3916 380 392 121 2.01 2.005 1.969 1.979 0 1.008
3 0.993 14219 14432 5155 209 238 146 7442 7605 2321 401 413 174 1.99 1.974 1.903 1.944 0 0.993
4 1.049 14750 15357 5006 225 249 139 7430 7534 2425 408 421 173 2.068 2.123 2.072 2.155 0 1.049
5 1.042 18883 18980 5270 197 227 148 9456 9330 2723 378 394 142 2.058 2.098 2.074 2.125 0 1.042
6 0.988 15019 14321 8281 234 262 155 7853 7307 4162 398 407 132 1.983 2.039 2.06 2.171 0 0.988
7 1.039 15392 15436 4706 220 252 196 7786 7847 2303 400 418 134 2.054 2.043 2.058 2.05 0 1.039
8 1.003 14856 14429 5128 260 312 228 7700 7455 2629 418 437 145 2.004 2.013 2.007 2.009 0 1.003
9 1.1 20848 20670 4710 248 300 242 10003 9958 2354 395 412 143 2.144 2.136 2.126 2.148 0 1.1
10 1.072 22160 22089 3880 283 325 230 10812 10570 1957 407 443 244 2.103 2.146 2.135 2.152 0 1.072
11 1.026 15719 15231 4190 211 234 136 8017 7652 2086 404 433 253 2.037 2.072 2.064 2.089 0 1.026
12 1.03 16182 15527 5148 228 261 193 8225 7702 2353 411 427 187 2.042 2.098 2.098 2.096 0 1.03
13 1.088 19834 18608 6475 197 218 130 9622 8938 3024 386 397 147 2.126 2.153 2.144 2.147 0 1.088
14 1.112 20137 18682 6137 198 217 116 9603 9028 2846 376 400 182 2.161 2.136 2.104 2.134 0 1.112
15 1.073 13062 12429 6337 191 212 119 6503 6269 3003 387 404 201 2.104 2.081 2.112 2.144 0 1.073
16 1.099 13584 12881 5866 192 217 125 6659 6473 2727 405 412 121 2.141 2.091 2.08 2.024 0 1.099
17 -1.314 1764 1871 644 152 167 91 4367 4449 1044 359 383 270 0.402 0.42 0.395 0.404 0 -1.314
18 -1.258 1508 1699 638 144 159 83 3626 3762 1424 363 380 208 0.418 0.457 0.476 0.463 0 -1.258
19 -1.335 1872 1897 542 164 178 93 4723 4670 898 415 425 143 0.396 0.407 0.404 0.396 0 -1.335
20 -1.263 1614 1578 674 155 168 89 3905 3717 1587 404 419 143 0.417 0.43 0.415 0.456 0 -1.263

Total number of rows: 17328

Table truncated, full table size 1454 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM244668.gpr.gz 1.4 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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