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Series GSE1558 Query DataSets for GSE1558
Status Public on Dec 16, 2004
Title Fob3b vs F-line
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary Liver and BAT expression differences between the fat F-line, and congenic Fob3b-line. Normalised data appended as follows:

TABLE 1: LIVER - 1st set (7.5K) of the 2 slide NIA NIH 15K set
-source1 = F-line liver male - 2 pools each made from 5 different individuals
-source2 = Fob3b-line (aka Fchr15D-line) liver male - 2 pools each made from 5 different individuals
-values are normalised using mixed model across 6 slides:
1 F-line vs Fline
2 Fob3b-line vs Fob3b-line
3 F-line pool1 vs Fob3b-line pool1
4 F-line pool1 vs Fob3b-line pool1 -dye swap
5 F-line pool2 vs Fob3b-line pool2
6 F-line pool2 vs Fob3b-line pool2 -dye swap

TABLE 2: LIVER - 2nd set (7.5K) of the 2 slide NIA NIH 15K set
-source1 = F-line liver male - 2 pools each made from 5 differnt individuals
-source2 = Fob3b-line (aka Fchr15D-line) liver male - 2 pools each made from 5 differnt individuals
-values are normalised using mixed model across 6 slides:
1 F-line Vs F-line
2 Fob3b-line vs Fob3b-line
3 F-line pool1 vs Fob3b-line pool2
4 F-line pool1 vs Fob3b-line pool2 dye swap
5 F-line pool2 vs Fob3b-line pool1
6 F-line pool2 vs Fob3b-line pool1 dye swap

TABLE 3: Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) 1st (7.5K) array set of 15K NIA NIH set
-source1 = F-line male BAT from 2 pools each made from 5 different individuals
-source2 = Fob3b-line (aka Fchr15D-line) male BAT from 2 pools each made from 5 different individuals
-values are normalised using mixed model across 4 slides:
1 F-line pool1 vs Fob3b-line pool1
2 F-line pool1 vs Fob3b-line pool1 dye swap
3 F-line pool2 vs Fob3b-line pool2
4 F-line pool2 vs Fob3b-line pool2 dye swap

TABLE 4: Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) 2nd (7.5K) array of the 15K NIA NIH set
-source1 = F-line male BAT (2 pools each from 5 individual mice)
-source2 = Fob3b-line (aka Fchr15D-line) male BAT (2 pools each from 5 individual mice)
-values are normalised using mixed model across 4 slides:
1 F-line pool1 vs Fob3b-line pool1
2 F-line pool1 vs Fob3b-line pool1 dye swap
3 F-line pool2 vs Fob3b-line pool2
4 F-line pool2 vs Fob3b-line pool2 dye swap
Keywords = Obesity
Keywords = Fob3b
Keywords = QTL
Keywords = congenic
Keywords: other
Contributor(s) Stylianou IM, Clinton M, Pritchard C, Lallane Z, Bünger L, Bulfield G, Horvat S
Citation(s) 15598878
Submission date Jul 12, 2004
Last update date Mar 15, 2012
Contact name Ioannis M Stylianou
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 001 (207) 288 6390
Fax 001 (207) 288 6078
Organization name The Jackson Laboratory
Street address 600 Maine Street
City Bar Harbor
State/province ME
ZIP/Postal code 04609
Country USA
Platforms (2)
GPL1341 1st 7.5K of NIA-NIH 15K Mouse cDNA set
GPL1342 2nd 7.5K of NIA-NIH 15K Mouse cDNA set
Samples (20)
GSM26714 Slide 8065
GSM26715 Slide 8091
GSM26716 Slide 8092
BioProject PRJNA90871

TABLE 1: LIVER - 1st set (7.5K) of the 2 slide NIA NIH 15K set header descriptions
VALUE Log2 Fold change (-ve indicates upreg in F-line) Calculated using mixed model across 6 slides - each EST spotted twice
StdErr Standard error
DF Degrees of Freedom
tValue tValue
Probt Probablity

Data table
CLONE_ID VALUE StdErr DF tValue Probt
H3001A08 -0.292894911 1.563236261 14 -0.187364456 0.854063174
H3001B12 0.798743227 1.197380432 12 0.667075564 0.517345971
H3001C09 0.414277146 1.355866032 16 0.305544306 0.763890935
H3001F04 -0.072419215 1.511603419 13 -0.047908872 0.962517073
H3001G03 -0.774746068 0.522724933 16 -1.482129548 0.157732768
H3001G05 0.432763228 0.723066792 14 0.598510722 0.559058906
H3001H01 -0.293848231 1.245398327 16 -0.235947186 0.8164674
H3001H07 1.112231608 0.942379222 14 1.18023783 0.257571091
H3002A06 -0.121397931 1.127152988 14 -0.107703153 0.915759461
H3002A11 0.16064651 1.16274849 16 0.138161014 0.89183703
H3002A12 -0.190121504 1.291101791 16 -0.14725524 0.884770161
H3002F08 -0.609606255 0.91800112 16 -0.664058291 0.51610912
H3002F12 -0.951535354 0.866020378 16 -1.098744762 0.288138539
H3002G05 1.139091272 1.181306653 14 0.964263825 0.351275224
H3002H05 0.922731448 0.867728305 16 1.063387517 0.303392919
H3002H07 -0.112758923 0.94774079 16 -0.118976543 0.906774936
H3003B02 0.093749582 0.106703384 16 0.878599899 0.392621867
H3003C08 0.446605321 0.251501195 16 1.775758245 0.094792472
H3003D08 -0.437418127 0.737834783 16 -0.592840209 0.561574586
H3003D09 -0.488988903 0.423273683 16 -1.155254679 0.264947862

Total number of rows: 7612

Table truncated, full table size 449 Kbytes.

TABLE 2: LIVER - 2nd set (7.5K) of the 2 slide NIA NIH 15K set header descriptions
VALUE Log2 Fold change (-ve indicate upreg in F-line)
StdErr Standard Error
DF Degrees of Freedom
tValue tValue
Probt Probability (untransformed P-Value from mixed model analysis)

Data table
CLONE_ID VALUE StdErr DF tValue Probt
H3081A01 0.004664117 0.145508717 22 0.032053866 0.974718126
H3081A02 -0.072320977 0.134027296 22 -0.539598864 0.594893652
H3081A03 -0.114372989 0.17031988 22 -0.671518727 0.508880634
H3081A04 -0.133994372 0.121468133 22 -1.103123666 0.281894504
H3081A05 -0.017865375 0.063534883 22 -0.28119002 0.781192372
H3081A06 -0.020627802 0.112168728 22 -0.183899759 0.855776587
H3081A07 -0.210079119 0.153617177 22 -1.367549668 0.185262727
H3081A08 -0.172466974 0.160422231 22 -1.075081507 0.293988077
H3081A09 -0.125106514 0.236753453 22 -0.528425301 0.602494716
H3081A10 0.005891626 0.117296004 22 0.050228702 0.96039339
H3081A11 -0.06687604 0.096435614 22 -0.693478658 0.495266457
H3081A12 -0.200550766 0.209036041 22 -0.959407599 0.347779653
H3081B01 -0.385920422 0.169179022 22 -2.281136376 0.032580438
H3081B02 -0.037474376 0.092391448 22 -0.40560438 0.688950964
H3081B03 0.036821347 0.059547429 22 0.618353257 0.542692053
H3081B04 0.014632944 0.097279923 22 0.150421009 0.881803093
H3081B05 0.061599806 0.104229249 22 0.591003071 0.560541927
H3081B06 0.027868183 0.17988187 22 0.154924912 0.878293098
H3081B07 -0.346492883 0.148212899 22 -2.337805184 0.028895948
H3081B08 0.010258514 0.12552088 22 0.081727554 0.935602364

Total number of rows: 7567

Table truncated, full table size 447 Kbytes.

TABLE 3: Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) 1st (7.5K) array set of 15K NIA NIH set header descriptions
VALUE Log2 Fold change (-ve indicates upreg in F-line)
StdErr Standard Error
DF Degrees of Freedom
tValue tValue
Probt Untransformed P-value from mixed model analysis

Data table
CLONE_ID VALUE StdErr DF tValue Probt
H3001A01 0.456315918 0.180529603 10 2.527651484 0.029991401
H3001A02 -0.701835737 0.762029521 10 -0.921008593 0.378729137
H3001A03 -0.077784624 0.892686167 10 -0.087135464 0.932283971
H3001A04 -3.274976563 1.192417317 10 -2.746502014 0.020601557
H3001A05 -1.527301291 1.461584367 10 -1.044962799 0.320641986
H3001A06 -0.212039025 1.098174952 10 -0.193083101 0.850759087
H3001A07 0.317787558 0.558669102 10 0.568829665 0.582020846
H3001A08 -0.602955728 0.729100998 10 -0.826985192 0.427537841
H3001A09 0.737148351 1.015235428 10 0.726086118 0.484433351
H3001A10 0.357529777 0.252452352 10 1.416226761 0.187095855
H3001A11 0.323309378 0.515813031 10 0.626795678 0.544836179
H3001A12 -0.204401401 0.977955633 10 -0.209008869 0.838637458
H3001B01 -0.627122835 0.897535107 10 -0.698716775 0.500655538
H3001B02 -0.061511021 0.148102298 10 -0.415327932 0.686672834
H3001B03 -0.401489391 1.069937158 10 -0.375245769 0.715314122
H3001B04 -1.261052767 0.650977934 10 -1.937166685 0.081462298
H3001B05 -0.682135674 0.274630026 10 -2.483835011 0.032329789
H3001B06 -0.512604656 0.200965117 10 -2.550714588 0.028828608
H3001B07 1.281536303 0.672377659 10 1.905976924 0.085772561
H3001B08 -0.732200101 0.341344339 10 -2.14504832 0.057543069

Total number of rows: 7680

Table truncated, full table size 454 Kbytes.

TABLE 4: Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) 2nd (7.5K) array of the 15K NIA NIH set header descriptions
VALUE Log2 Fold Change (-ve indicates upreg in F-line)
StdErr Standard Error
DF Degrees of Freedom
tValue tValue
Probt Untransformed P-value

Data table
CLONE_ID VALUE StdErr DF tValue Probt
H3081A01 0.316498785 0.31031272 4 1.019934941 0.365427472
H3081A02 0.4578046 0.181512716 4 2.522162681 0.065206375
H3081A03 0.320735928 0.104566532 4 3.067290482 0.037391597
H3081A04 -0.031590701 0.038499014 4 -0.820558687 0.457982169
H3081A05 0.089408637 0.040036892 4 2.23315625 0.089297441
H3081A06 0.409037921 0.214930959 4 1.903113088 0.129772089
H3081A07 0.471586606 0.148509118 4 3.175472401 0.033680813
H3081A08 0.189821502 0.113805946 4 1.667940108 0.170653381
H3081A09 0.144489528 0.122642841 4 1.178132595 0.304047017
H3081A10 0.065777452 0.020028375 4 3.284213187 0.030380182
H3081A11 0.115518202 0.080202276 4 1.440335709 0.223198629
H3081A12 -0.040367333 0.223920113 4 -0.180275603 0.865700997
H3081B01 0.138911298 0.145587075 4 0.954145811 0.394041292
H3081B02 0.178051316 0.199024107 4 0.894621854 0.42155571
H3081B03 0.102446381 0.424551868 4 0.241304746 0.821183819
H3081B04 0.10888012 0.068199091 4 1.596503971 0.185612019
H3081B05 0.367633836 0.157314788 4 2.336931195 0.079645342
H3081B06 0.39752 0.417138579 4 0.952968677 0.394570339
H3081B07 0.646271738 0.280156962 4 2.306820198 0.0823194
H3081B08 0.249253101 0.149903597 4 1.662755968 0.171695397

Total number of rows: 7567

Table truncated, full table size 438 Kbytes.

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