Status |
Public on Nov 24, 2018 |
Title |
Antagonistic Regulation of Abscisic Acid Inhibited Root Growth By Brassinosteroid is Partially Mediated by BRASSINAZOLE RESISTENT 1 suppressed ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 5 expression |
Organism |
Arabidopsis thaliana |
Experiment type |
Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary |
Plant hormone brassinosteroids (BRs) and abscisic acids (ABA) antagonistically regulate many aspects of plant growth and responses. This study analyzes the molecular mechanisms by which regulate the crosstalk between BR and ABA signaling.Various BR deficient and gain-of-function signaling mutants were used to analyze their responses to ABA inhibited primary root growth. RNA sequencing was performed to identify the ABA regulated root genes that are also regulated by BR signaling components.Our result demonstrated that BR signaling negative regulates plant ABA response, and the crosstalk is mediated by BIN2 and BZR1. RNA sequencing has identified subsets of ABA responsive root genes that were regulated by BIN2 and/or BZR1. ChIP-qPCR and EMSA assays showed that BZR1 could bind directly with several G-box cis-elements on ABI5 promoter, suppress the expression of ABI5 and makes plant insensitive to ABA.These data demonstrated that ABI5 is a BZR1 direct targeted gene. Regulation of ABI5 expression by BZR1 plays important roles in regulating the crosstalk between BR and ABA signaling pathways.
Overall design |
Arabidopsis Col, bin2-1 and bzr1-D/bin2-1 were grown vertically on 1/2 MS in chamber for 7 days and then treated with or without 100 μM ABA for 3 h . The roots about 1 cm from the tips were excised and collected for RNA extraction. Total RNA was extracted using a RNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) and the concentration was quantified on Nanodrop 1000 (Thermo). The mRNA sequencing libraries were constructed with barcodes using the TruSeq RNA Sample Preparation Kit (Illumina). Six barcoded libraries were pooled together and sequenced by Illumina HiSeq2000.
Contributor(s) |
Yang X, Tang W |
Citation(s) |
27149247 |
Submission date |
Nov 24, 2015 |
Last update date |
May 17, 2021 |
Contact name |
Wenqiang Tang |
E-mail(s) |
[email protected]
Organization name |
Hebei Normal University
Department |
College of Life Sciences
Street address |
East 20 NanErHuang Road
City |
Shijiazhuang |
State/province |
Hebei Province |
ZIP/Postal code |
050024 |
Country |
China |
Platforms (1) |
GPL13222 |
Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Arabidopsis thaliana) |
Samples (8)
Relations |
BioProject |
PRJNA304022 |
SRP066634 |