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Sample GSM1206662 Query DataSets for GSM1206662
Status Public on Mar 31, 2014
Title HIV+ blood donor 4, replicate 2 (dye flip)
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name M. tb in HIV+ blood (donor H28)
Organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
Characteristics donor: H28
hiv status: HIV+
growth protocol: M. tb in HIV+ blood
Growth protocol Fresh human whole blood from 6 HIV- and 6 HIV+ was diluted with equal volumes RPMI-1640 supplemented with L-glutamine and heparin and infected with M. tb H37Rv (10^6 CFU/ml) and incubated at 37°C shaking at 20 rpm for 96 hr. Fot reference, M. tb H37Rv was grown in Middlebrook 7H9 broth to log phase.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Blood cells lysed with 0.1% triton X 100 with 6M urea and bacteria and cells pelleted. Pellets imediately resuspended in GTC solution for lysis of remainig cells. After washing with GTC, bacterial pellets suspended in TRI reagent with polyacrylamide carrier and disrupted in bead beater using sterile 0.1 mm zirconia. Total RNA was extracted accordig to published protocol (Dunau E. e al. 2002). An RNA amplification strategy was used (MessageAmp II-bacteria RNA amplification kit- Ambion) (Schlingemann etal., 2005; Garton et al., 2008)
Label Cy3
Label protocol The synthesis and fluorescent labeling of cDNA with Cy3 or Cy5 from aRNA was accomplished by first performing reverse transcriptase (RT) reaction with Superscript II RT followed by labeling with Klenow fragment using Bioprime Kit (Invitrogen) following a published method (Schlingemann 2005).
Channel 2
Source name 7H9 broth-grown M. tb (reference)
Organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
Characteristics growth protocol: 7H9 broth-grown
Growth protocol Fresh human whole blood from 6 HIV- and 6 HIV+ was diluted with equal volumes RPMI-1640 supplemented with L-glutamine and heparin and infected with M. tb H37Rv (10^6 CFU/ml) and incubated at 37°C shaking at 20 rpm for 96 hr. Fot reference, M. tb H37Rv was grown in Middlebrook 7H9 broth to log phase.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Blood cells lysed with 0.1% triton X 100 with 6M urea and bacteria and cells pelleted. Pellets imediately resuspended in GTC solution for lysis of remainig cells. After washing with GTC, bacterial pellets suspended in TRI reagent with polyacrylamide carrier and disrupted in bead beater using sterile 0.1 mm zirconia. Total RNA was extracted accordig to published protocol (Dunau E. e al. 2002). An RNA amplification strategy was used (MessageAmp II-bacteria RNA amplification kit- Ambion) (Schlingemann etal., 2005; Garton et al., 2008)
Label Cy5
Label protocol The synthesis and fluorescent labeling of cDNA with Cy3 or Cy5 from aRNA was accomplished by first performing reverse transcriptase (RT) reaction with Superscript II RT followed by labeling with Klenow fragment using Bioprime Kit (Invitrogen) following a published method (Schlingemann 2005).
Hybridization protocol For hybridization, labeled cDNA probes generated from aRNA obtained from M. tb grown in each blood sample was mixed with the labeled reference cDNA probe prior to purification with Microcon YM10 filter (Millipore). For each M. tb-infected blood sample, the M. tb arrays were hybridized over night with the mixed labeled cDNA probes in duplicate including a Cy3/Cy5 dye swap (Fontan et al, 2008)
Scan protocol The microarrays were scanned and processed with an Axon 4000B scanner and GenePix Pro 6.1 software, respectively.
Description Sample name: h28cy3RVcy5
total RNA (amplified)
Data processing Normalized by the print-tip Lowess method; intensity ratio data obtained used to perform Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) with Multiarray Viewer Software on the TMEV website for determination of differentially expressed genes; ≥ 2 fold change at a false discovery rate of < 2% were considered significantly differentially expressed.
Submission date Aug 11, 2013
Last update date Mar 31, 2014
Contact name Suman Laal
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name VA/NYU
Department Pathology
Lab Suman Laal
Street address 423 Esat 23rd Street, 18N
City New York
State/province NY
ZIP/Postal code 10010
Country USA
Platform ID GPL4057
Series (1)
GSE49760 Transcriptional profiling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv in whole blood from HIV- and HIV+ individuals

Data table header descriptions
VALUE normalized ratio represents reference/test

Data table
151804 -0.0888315
071804 -0.00104088
151805 0.161749
071805 0.378109
151806 -0.494508
071806 0.0584499
151807 -0.344367
151808 -0.589803
071808 -0.0301615
151809 0.0672298
071809 0.178855
091701 -0.176636
011701 0.370437
091702 0.562823
011702 0.296562
051904 0.229916
091703 0.607423
011703 -0.147182
091704 -0.730087

Total number of rows: 4291

Table truncated, full table size 69 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1206662_h28cy3RVcy5.gpr.gz 378.1 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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