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Sample GSM13268 Query DataSets for GSM13268
Status Public on Feb 09, 2004
Title liver, 48h starved, chip 19
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name pool2, starved
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Channel 2
Source name pool2, normal
Organism Mus musculus
Extracted molecule total RNA
Description Mice used in this study were 129/sv males, 8-15 weeks of age, which were housed individually and received water ad libitum. Total RNA and polyA RNA were prepared for each animal separately, and equal amounts of polyA RNA from each batch were pooled. Pool2 normal = 3 animals (No. N4, N5 and N6) fed during and before the 48h experiment with standard food, ad libitum; pool2 starved = 3 animals (No. St4, St5 and St6) fed before the experiment with standard food, ad libitum, starved during the 48h experiment.
The microarray was scanned 3 times: low scan (suffix _L in data table) with a low amplification / intensity to avoid saturated spots for proper data analysis, high scan (suffix _H in data table) with a high amplification / intensity to detect also weak fluorescent spots which are missed in the low scan and medium scan which lies between high and low intensity and gives additional data points for subsequent calculations. For additional information see publication and web link.
Keywords = nutrient response
Keywords = starvation
Keywords = liver
Keywords = anti-aging
Keywords = longevity
Lot batch = mp7_030
Submission date Dec 04, 2003
Last update date May 28, 2005
Contact name Michael J. Pankratz
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone ++49 +7247 82 6087
Fax ++49 +7247 82 3354
Organization name Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Department Institute of Genetics
Lab Pankratz
Street address P.O. Box 3640
City Karlsruhe
ZIP/Postal code 76021
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL765
Series (2)
GSE852 liver, 48h starved
GSE858 Mouse feeding experiment

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 ratio, loess normalized
DIA_L spot diameter, used as quality parameter
CH1_BKG_L CH1 (B635) median background intensity, used in quality estimation
CH1_SAT_L CH1 (F635) percentage of saturated foreground pixel, used to discriminate saturated spots
CH2_BKG_L CH2 (B532) median background intensity, used in quality estimation
CH2_SAT_L CH1 (F532) percentage of saturated foreground pixel, used to discriminate saturated spots
RATIOS_SD_L standard deviation of pixel to pixel linear ratio (CH1/CH2) (F635/F535), used as a quality parameter
F_AREA_L number of foreground pixel for both channels
B_AREA_L number of background pixel for both channels
CH1_MEDIAN_L CH1 (F635-B635) median foreground intensity minus median background intensity, used as basic value for calculations
CH2_MEDIAN_L CH2 (F532-B532) median foreground intensity minus median background intensity, used as basic value for calculations
FLAG_L quality flag of picture analysis software, if flag < 0 the spot is discarded from subsequent analysis
DIA_M spot diameter, used as quality parameter
CH1_BKG_M CH1 (B635) median background intensity, used in quality estimation
CH1_SAT_M CH1 (F635) percentage of saturated foreground pixel, used to discriminate saturated spots
CH2_BKG_M CH2 (B532) median background intensity, used in quality estimation
CH2_SAT_M CH1 (F532) percentage of saturated foreground pixel, used to discriminate saturated spots
RATIOS_SD_M standard deviation of pixel to pixel linear ratio (CH1/CH2) (F635/F535), used as a quality parameter
F_AREA_M number of foreground pixel for both channels
B_AREA_M number of background pixel for both channels
CH1_MEDIAN_M CH1 (F635-B635) median foreground intensity minus median background intensity, used as basic value for calculations
CH2_MEDIAN_M CH2 (F532-B532) median foreground intensity minus median background intensity, used as basic value for calculations
FLAG_M quality flag of picture analysis software, if flag < 0 the spot is discarded from subsequent analysis
DIA_H spot diameter, used as quality parameter
CH1_BKG_H CH1 (B635) median background intensity, used in quality estimation
CH1_SAT_H CH1 (F635) percentage of saturated foreground pixel, used to discriminate saturated spots
CH2_BKG_H CH2 (B532) median background intensity, used in quality estimation
CH2_SAT_H CH1 (F532) percentage of saturated foreground pixel, used to discriminate saturated spots
RATIOS_SD_H standard deviation of pixel to pixel linear ratio (CH1/CH2) (F635/F535), used as a quality parameter
F_AREA_H number of foreground pixel for both channels
B_AREA_H number of background pixel for both channels
CH1_MEDIAN_H CH1 (F635-B635) median foreground intensity minus median background intensity, used as basic value for calculations
CH2_MEDIAN_H CH2 (F532-B532) median foreground intensity minus median background intensity, used as basic value for calculations
FLAG_H quality flag of picture analysis software, if flag < 0 the spot is discarded from subsequent analysis

Data table
A#1 0.74312745 110 44 0 57 0 2.2 80 444 6 41 0 70 131 0 229 0 3.01 32 159 103 586 0 100 608 1 942 0 2.948 80 394 281 1527 0
A#10 -0.008757595 90 45 0 54 0 1.482 52 272 155 193 0 90 101 0 146 0 1.53 52 290 1016 1119 0 80 501 0 795 0 1.382 52 244 6977 7555 0
A#100 0.482934903 70 45 0 55 0 1.509 32 185 60 61 0 70 125 0 155 0 1.647 32 193 364 344 0 80 536 0 801 0 1.588 52 221 2534 2241 0
A#1000 0.750934487 110 48 0 55 0 1.316 80 343 109 97 0 100 121 0 153 0 1.423 80 318 762 522 0 110 714 0 860 0 1.487 80 328 4898 3348 0
A#10000 0.01906667 110 55 0 66 0 1.348 80 235 108 142 0 110 170 0 213 0 1.324 80 235 749 808 0 110 949 0 1194 0 1.274 80 258 5397 5159 0
A#10001 0.29694851 110 55 0 65 0 1.301 80 210 124 136 0 110 177 0 202 0 1.291 80 213 918 748 0 110 968 0 1287 0 1.289 80 314 6032 4690 0
A#10002 0.31475851 110 57 0 68 0 1.281 80 210 176 183 0 110 190 0 214 0 1.264 80 216 1172 913 0 110 979 0 1265 0 1.373 80 240 7539 5975 0
A#10003 -0.083294691 100 59 0 68 0 1.195 80 207 208 280 0 100 183 0 224 0 1.214 80 209 1486 1554 0 100 995 0 1251 0 1.211 80 209 9840 10130 0
A#10004 -0.151094437 110 57 0 67 0 1.108 80 250 761 948 0 110 180 0 211 0 1.108 80 240 5085 5364 0 110 1015 0 1207 0 1.105 80 247 33348 34565 0
A#10005 0.395025249 110 59 0 68 0 1.202 80 361 272 239 0 110 193 0 219 0 1.174 80 335 1845 1382 0 110 1083 0 1299 0 1.158 80 348 12292 8660 0
A#10006 0.06023458 110 59 0 68 0 1.104 80 296 804 856 0 110 198 0 223 0 1.088 80 295 5307 4819 0 110 1013 0 1256 0 1.109 80 286 37459 31928 0
A#10007 -0.013626707 110 58 0 67 0 1.101 80 271 605 698 0 110 196 0 223 0 1.119 80 265 4059 3851 0 110 1031 0 1226 0 1.129 80 259 27875 24998 0
A#10008 0.04815407 110 58 0 66 0 1.225 80 293 234 272 0 110 191 0 219 0 1.233 80 294 1549 1499 0 110 1099 0 1184 0 1.255 80 283 10282 9636 0
A#10009 0.492154762 90 57 0 65 0 1.383 52 223 83 79 0 90 183 0 208 0 1.366 52 250 607 438 0 90 1002 0 1117 0 1.429 52 225 3944 2789 0
A#1001 0.165872437 100 47 0 54 0 1.344 80 316 173 198 0 100 115 0 152 0 1.378 80 316 1277 1195 0 100 617 0 834 0 1.39 80 290 8201 7425 0
A#10010 -0.466836924 120 56 0 66 0 1.477 120 286 98 172 0 120 177 0 209 0 1.439 120 303 582 963 0 120 913 0 1142 0 1.433 120 274 4201 6167 0
A#10011 -0.481829011 110 56 0 66 0 1.596 80 255 50 106 0 110 158 0 207 0 1.487 80 232 350 593 0 120 847 0 1095 0 1.575 120 232 2414 3583 0
A#10012 0.3383824 110 55 0 65 0 1.314 80 247 102 97 0 110 153 0 200 0 1.318 80 228 639 541 0 110 861 0 1070 0 1.3 80 224 4522 3648 0
A#10013 -0.366977791 110 55 0 64 0 1.876 80 234 23 52 0 100 157 0 199 0 2.008 80 227 155 289 0 100 861 0 1091 0 2.207 80 216 1202 1990 0
A#10014 0.390926417 100 54 0 66 0 1.223 80 257 163 147 0 100 155 0 208 0 1.271 80 257 1104 851 0 100 896 0 1151 0 1.277 80 257 7017 5416 0

Total number of rows: 43200

Table truncated, full table size 5676 Kbytes.

Supplementary data files not provided

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