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Sample GSM265195 Query DataSets for GSM265195
Status Public on Feb 13, 2008
Title Mut_Inf_Peel_vs_RN_Hth_Peel_c
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name STW0012
Organism Solanum tuberosum
Characteristics Solanum tuberosum, Tuber Peel, Biotic stress
Treatment protocol Mutant and Russet Nugget grown in diseased field plots
Growth protocol Field Grown
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Phenol method with carbohydrate-enriched tissue such as tubers and trizol for other tissues such as leaves (SGED_SOP_3.1.1 + SGED_SOP_3.3.1)
Label Cy3
Label protocol Amino allyl labeling and direct labeling (SGED_SOP_5.1.1 + SGED_SOP_6.1.1)
Channel 2
Source name STW0021
Organism Solanum tuberosum
Characteristics Solanum tuberosum, Tuber Peel, Biotic stress
Treatment protocol Mutant and Russet Nugget grown in diseased field plots
Growth protocol Field Grown
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Phenol method with carbohydrate-enriched tissue such as tubers and trizol for other tissues such as leaves (SGED_SOP_3.1.1 + SGED_SOP_3.3.1)
Label Cy5
Label protocol Amino allyl labeling and direct labeling (SGED_SOP_5.1.1 + SGED_SOP_6.1.1)
Hybridization protocol Hybridization with indirectly labeled mRNA (SGED_SOP_6.1.1, SGED_SOP_6.2.1-4)
Scan protocol Axon 4000B scanner. Both the 635nm (red, Cy5) and 532nm (green, Cy3) channels are scanned simultaneously at 100% laser power, the PMT set between 600 and 950. Slides are scanned at a resolution of 10micron
Description Russet Nugget and the corresponding smooth skin mutant tubers harvested from disease and healthy filed plots. Tubers were washed with 10% Clorox and dried before harvesting tissue. Cortex and peel tissue was collected from healthy and infected regions of the mutant. Healthy peel and cortex tissue was collected from Russet Nugget (wild-type) potato tuber and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 °C. RNA was extracted from frozen tissues using a hot phenol method in triplicate from the different sets of tuber tissue. Extracted RNA was purified by Qiagen kits after treatment with DNAse. In all of these experiments RNA from Russet Nugget peel and cortex tissue will be used as reference samples where as mutant tissue will be used as query samples.
Data processing The TIFF images were quantified using Genepix 5.0. Local background was subtracted from the signal value and the data was normalized using the quantile method in the limma package of bioconductor.
Submission date Feb 12, 2008
Last update date Feb 12, 2008
Contact name Jia Liu
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name Plant Genomics
Street address 9712 Medical Center Drive
City Rockville
State/province MD
ZIP/Postal code 20850
Country USA
Platform ID GPL3838
Series (1)
GSE10485 Analysis of Potato Smooth Skin Mutant Susceptible to Powdery Scab Disease

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Spot identifier for each feature
VALUE Normalized log2 ratio of normalized intensities defined by CH2/CH1. This value is set to null if it is flagged with "M" or "X"
CH1_NORMALIZED Normalized background subtracted CH1 intensity (RED channel)
CH1_RAW Background (CH1_BACKGROUND) subtracted raw intensity (F635 Mean - B635 Media)
CH1_BACKGROUND CH1 background median intensity (B635 Media)
CH2_NORMALIZED Normalized background subtracted CH2 intensity (GREEN channel)
CH2_RAW Background (CH2_BACKGROUND) subtracted raw intensity (F532 Mean - B532 Media)
CH2_BACKGROUND CH2 background median intensity (B532 Media)
FLAG B: no flag, good spot; X: undetectable spot; M: flagged for diameter < 70 microns, the percentage of saturated pixels > 30% or not validated PCR product

Data table
406589 0 5251 150 0 3533 522 M
406590 -1.058 7436 8265 151 3589 3229 512 B
406591 0 793 153 0 810 513 M
406592 -0.357 808 864 161 627 587 513 B
406593 0 10814 159 0 9098 520 M
406594 0.151 1691 1953 157 1879 1627 521 B
406595 0 568 161 0 327 514 M
406596 -0.598 642 696 163 424 391 516 B
406597 0.356 426 464 159 545 501 508 B
406598 0.151 880 942 153 980 915 499 B
406599 0 146 158 0 161 511 M
406600 0 109 155 0 59 510 X
406601 -0.268 258 270 150 215 205 496 B
406602 0 1161 150 0 749 493 M
406603 0 13 147 0 7 497 X
406604 0.251 490 531 152 581 536 499 B
406605 -0.514 1775 2009 157 1250 1104 495 B
406606 -0.861 17902 21357 159 9908 8305 496 B
406607 0.043 208 216 156 214 206 504 B
406608 0.057 243 256 156 253 240 487 B

Total number of rows: 32448

Table truncated, full table size 1205 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM265195.gpr.gz 3.7 Mb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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