Experiment Design: •Type of experiment: time course after GAL (galactose) induction •Experimental factor: time, genotype •Number of hybridizations performed in the experiment: 24 (eight conditions with three biological replicates each)
Samples used, extract preparation and labeling: •The origin of the biological sample: Species: S. cerevisiae Cell type: wild-type (YSS37, IFH1-13myc-TRP1, MATa) UASIFH1::HIS3-UASGAL1 (YSS89, UASGAL1-IFH1-13myc-TRP1, MATa) •Growth conditions: log phase (2x107/mL) at 30°C in YPLG medium, then addition of Galactose to 2% •Treatments: all cells were harvested by rapid centrifugation at 4°C then flash frozen in liquid nitrogen. •RNA extraction: RNeasy Protect mini kit (Quiagen) •Labeling protocol(s): cDNA synthesis using Invitrogen reagents according to Affymetrix protocol (5 µg of total RNA) GeneChip IVT labeling kit (Affymetrix) •External controls (spikes): according to the Affymetrix protocols Hybridization controls Poly-A spike controls Keywords = IFH1 Keywords = Transcriptional control of RP genes