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Sample GSM677787 Query DataSets for GSM677787
Status Public on Feb 19, 2011
Title Fur vs. Fur FsrA replicate 3 (dye swap)
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name fur, LB, mid-log
Organism Bacillus subtilis
Characteristics strain: CU1065
mutation: fur
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA isolation and was performed using the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen). RNA was subsequently DNase treated with TURBO DNA-freeTM (Ambion) and precipitated overnight. The RNA was dissolved in RNAse free water and quantified using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (Nanodrop Tech. Inc., Wilmington, DE).
Label Alexa Fluor 555
Label protocol cDNA synthesis was performed using the SuperScriptTM Plus Indirect cDNA labeling System (Invitrogen) as per the manufacturer’s instructions using 20 μg of total RNA. Total cDNA was labeled overnight with Alexa Fluor 555 or Alexa Fluor 647 (Invitrogen)
Channel 2
Source name fur fsrA, LB, mid-log
Organism Bacillus subtilis
Characteristics strain: CU1065
mutation: fur fsrA
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol RNA isolation and was performed using the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen). RNA was subsequently DNase treated with TURBO DNA-freeTM (Ambion) and precipitated overnight. The RNA was dissolved in RNAse free water and quantified using a NanoDrop spectrophotometer (Nanodrop Tech. Inc., Wilmington, DE).
Label Alexa Fluor 647
Label protocol cDNA synthesis was performed using the SuperScriptTM Plus Indirect cDNA labeling System (Invitrogen) as per the manufacturer’s instructions using 20 μg of total RNA. Total cDNA was labeled overnight with Alexa Fluor 555 or Alexa Fluor 647 (Invitrogen)
Hybridization protocol Equal amounts (100-150 pmol) of labeled cDNA were combined plus hybridization buffer (2X = 50% formamide, 10X SSC, 0.1% SDS). cDNA mix was denatured at 95oC and hybridized 16-18 hours at 42oC to DNA microarray slides which had been prehybridized for at least 30 min at 42oC in 1% bovine serum albumin, 5X SSC (1X SSC is 0.15 M NaCl and 0.015 M sodium citrate), 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), washed in water and dried. Following hybridization the slides were washed sequentially in: 2X SSC + 0.1% SDS for 5 min at 42oC, 2X SSC + 0.1% SDS for 5 min at room temperature, 2X SSC for 5 min at room temperature, 0.2X SSC for 5 min at room temperature, and finally dipped in water and spun until dry.
Scan protocol Arrays were scanned using a GenePixTM 4000B array scanner (Axon Instruments, Inc.)
Raw data files were produced from the scanned images using the GenePix Pro 4.0 software package (GPR files).
Data processing Red/green fluorescence intensity values were normalized such that the ratio of medians of all features was equal to 1
Submission date Feb 18, 2011
Last update date Feb 20, 2014
Contact name John D. Helmann
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 607 255 6570
Organization name Cornell University
Department Microbiology
Street address 372 Wing Hall
City Ithaca
State/province NY
ZIP/Postal code 14853
Country USA
Platform ID GPL7420
Series (1)
GSE27416 Bacillus subtilis CU1065: WT vs fur, fur vs fur fsrA, fur vs fur fbpAB, fur vs fur fbpC, and fur vs fur fbpABC

Data table header descriptions
VALUE log2 of mutant/average of fur
Fold Change Fold change equal to average of mutant / average of fur. Ave represents the average of medians for duplicate spots (minus median of background).

Data table
ID_REF VALUE Fold Change
appF 3.0875 8.5
araN 2.9069 7.5
araQ 3.0875 8.5
azlC 0.8657 1.822222222
bglP 0.9397 1.918166939
bmr 0.2873 1.220338983
dppD 0.8688 1.826086957
ebrA 0.4854 1.4
ecsA 0.1656 1.121621622
expZ 1.2630 2.4
feuA 0.6646 1.58512931
feuC 0.2344 1.176387913
glpF -2.4510 0.182879377
gltP 3.3219 10
gntP 0.0303 1.021231423
hutM 2.8074 7
kdgT 3.0000 8
levD 1.4072 2.652173913
mdr -1.5953 0.330942623
mntA 0.3038 1.234375

Total number of rows: 4116

Table truncated, full table size 84 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM677787.gpr.gz 598.0 Kb (ftp)(http) GPR
Processed data included within Sample table

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