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Platform GPL17 Query DataSets for GPL17
Status Public on Jul 30, 2001
Title ecoli_4.3
Technology type spotted DNA/cDNA
Distribution non-commercial
Organism Escherichia coli
Description A microarray with 4896 spot features.
Tip Configuration: Standard 16-tip
Columns per Sector: 18
Rows per Sector: 17
Column Spacing: 173
Row Spacing: 173
Submission date Jul 30, 2001
Last update date May 26, 2005
Organization Stanford Microarray Database (SMD)
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Phone 650-498-6012
Department Stanford University, School of Medicine
Street address 300 Pasteur Drive
City Stanford
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 94305
Country USA
Samples (46) GSM506, GSM507, GSM508, GSM509, GSM510, GSM511 
Series (3)
GSE7 Tryptophan metabolism response in E. coli
GSE8 Topoisomerase function in E. coli replication fork movement
GSE9 UV Exposure in Wild-Type and SOS-Deficient E. coli

Data table header descriptions
ORF open reading frame identifier
SPOT_ID Spot identifier
GENE_SYMBOL name of the gene represented by the sequence in the spot/feature
GENE_DESC description of the gene represented by the sequence in the spot/feature
SECTOR spot sector grid coordinate
SECTORROW spot row grid coordinate
SECTORCOL spot column grid coordinate
PLATE clone plate identifier
PROW clone plate row
PCOL clone plate column

Data table
1 GENOMIC GENOMIC 1 1 1 1 A 1 0 U
2 GENOMIC GENOMIC 1 1 2 1 A 5 0 U
3 GENOMIC GENOMIC 1 1 3 1 A 9 0 U
4 GENOMIC GENOMIC 1 1 4 1 A 13 0 U
5 GENOMIC GENOMIC 1 1 5 1 A 17 0 U
6 GENOMIC GENOMIC 1 1 6 1 A 21 0 U
7 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 7 1 E 1 0 U
8 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 8 1 E 5 0 U
9 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 9 1 E 9 0 U
10 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 10 1 E 13 0 U
11 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 11 1 E 17 0 U
12 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 12 1 E 21 0 U
13 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 13 1 I 1 0 U
14 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 14 1 I 5 0 U
15 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 15 1 I 9 0 U
16 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 16 1 I 13 0 U
17 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 17 1 I 17 0 U
18 EMPTY EMPTY 1 1 18 1 I 21 0 U
19 EMPTY EMPTY 1 2 1 1 M 1 0 U
20 EMPTY EMPTY 1 2 2 1 M 5 0 U

Total number of rows: 4896

Table truncated, full table size 318 Kbytes.

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SOFT formatted family file(s) SOFTHelp
MINiML formatted family file(s) MINiMLHelp

Supplementary data files not provided

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